Grass Root Doctors Uganda

Grass Root Doctors is a project providing interactive training for doctors, nurses, laboratory and pharmacy students in facilitation skills for use in rural communities in Southwestern Uganda. A series of 10 interactive training modules on topics such as Primary Health Care, Adult Learning, Community Entry, and Community Participation have been developed with faculty at Mbarara University and incorporated into student preparation for the annual Rural Placements for health science students as well as students working in peri-urban communities. A core of faculty facilitators design, train and support training for community groups, community health workers, rural site preceptors.

Our Uganda partner, CHERDI (Child Health, Education, Research and Development Initiative), a registered Ugandan non-profit, is an active partner in developing, implementing and monitoring activities. During COVID-19 we have begun training facilitators in creation of webinars and transferring some of our training modules into online webinars for students in preparation for their return to the field. Future plans include continuing support for community training.

This project is part of the Hillman Medical Education Fund.  Please specify Grass Root Doctors in the Notes field when donating.